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New special ampoule - 5G Compensation


£53.139% off

It is currently not possible to completely protect the body from 5G or to shield it completely (the technology is so new that we still lack observations and studies).

However, measures can be taken to help the body deal with these frequency loads.

One can aim to counteract the effects of 5G early on to prevent problems from arising.

Among other things, high-frequency radiation causes the red blood cells to stick together (rouleaux formation, which can be easily identified by dark field microscopy).

The resulting smaller surface area of ​​the blood cells leads to less oxygen being transported. This means that high-frequency radiation can lead to a reduced oxygen supply to the cells.

The capillaries also clog more easily due to the rouleaux formation, which then leads to a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

This, in turn, can lead to the blockage of larger bloodstreams and further promote diseases of all kinds – such as heart attacks or strokes.

With an experienced team we worked on a solution and developed the ampoule “5G compensation”. It responds to the physical effects and, if used regularly, can help the body deal with and compensate for the radiation exposure.

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