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5G Reg
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5G Regumed Protector


£631.249% off

REGUMED Protector® 5G

  • Reduce the impact of 5G and electrosmog

  • Harmonise the indoor climate

  • Protect the energetic field during bio-energetic testing

  • Improve sleep quality

The REGUMED Protector 5G contains specially selected gemstones. The oscillations of these gemstones contribute to an improved indoor environment. The featured LEDs amplify the gemstone oscillations, further strengthening the harmonizing effect.


What is 5G anyway?

The fifth-generation (5G for short) is a new development stage for the mobile phone standard. 5G builds on its predecessor 4G, but is up to 100x faster and uses new, higher radio frequency ranges. 5G is intended to provide a continuous data exchange in real-time and this with up to 1 million devices simultaneously. This constitutes a large increase compared to the predecessor 4G. With 4G there were about 200 devices. According to mobile network operators, 4G and 5G will be operated in parallel in the future, so that larger capacities and faster network speeds can be served. With 5G, more data can be transferred faster, but it has a lower range. The idea is to counteract this by creating a tighter network from smaller radio cells. However, this means more transmission masts and fibre optic cables are needed. 5G should stimulate the development of innovative services and applications, such as automated driving. For example, vehicles should not only be able to provide data on slipperiness or objects received on the streets, but also information to subsequent cars in order to increase traffic safety.

How widespread is 5G today and how will it spread in the future?

There are no clear statements yet. Due to the smaller range it is difficult to implement nationwide and is primarily more suitable for urban areas.

Is 5G dangerous?

This question is not easy to answer as long-term experience, especially with children, is missing. There are numerous discussions and assessments with different results. Stiftung Warentest, for example, concludes that there is little reason for concern. If someone wants to prevent, you can do something yourself, for example by considering the radiation coming from your own mobile phone.

How can you protect yourself?

Mobile phones/smartphones emit more radiation if they have poor reception, e.g. in the car or on the train if the train does not have an external antenna. It is a good idea to activate the flight mode more often while you don’t use your phone. (When returning from flight mode, the smartphone should be kept away from the body, because at the beginning a lot of connections (updates) are queried.) The following also applies to telephone calls: The greater the distance to the body, the less radiation is absorbed by their own body. Hands-free fun

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